Hmmm.....blogs....what can they be used for?.....why would I want one?...what can I possibly write that would be of interest to anyone but my family?
Well, guess I'll find out.
I finally was able to retire in January of this year. I'm still enjoying every morning that I don't have to hear that cock-a-doody alarm clock!
It didn't take long before I discovered that Social Security will never make you I took on a little part time job as an assistant care giver in an after school program. I had forgotten all the energy that's bottled up in those little ones and have learned a new respect for the teachers (although I've always been a big fan of them). When that final bell rings and the doors fly open and the kids spill out into the play yard (weather permitting) I wish that I could bottle up all that energy and sell it as a new source of power! I love the little cutey patooties and all their stories, excuses and tricks. I love helping with their homework, or an art project or just reading to them, using my "voices".
I'm into all things creative and am always seeking out new art techniques. I try to take classes in whatever is around that's appealing and love the process of learning. It's fun to pick and choose what I want and what I love and what interests me! Sounds selfish, huh?....well, I've had my card punched....worked hard supplimenting the family income with grunt jobs and raising 3 wonderful smart, generous children while traipsing all over the world with a military career husband.
So, this time is my time....grandchildren grown, and not needing care....decent health still mine, and most of all curiosity about so many different subjects.
So, those of you out there that are getting close to retirement.....don't be afraid!!! There's a lot of living to do out there. Lots of things to keep you busy and your mind active. Don't dread the down time, enjoy it. Now to figure out how to add more to this blog......